I find myself retracing my steps like I used to back when I wanted to find out when everything went wrong, when my life became a complete mess. But no..
There's a huge difference between letting someone in and telling them your life story. I could tell anyone my life story beginning to end, how I was a..
You are the single source of light in my life, spreading your warmth onto everything you touch, you inspired my whole existence. You are never too bri..
The buzzing stops, everything stops. There is a soft sigh as my partner scratches her neck on the bed next to me. Everything is still. This is a rare ..
Your face seems to write me into submission, taking every meaningful word out of my vocabulary so that I may not be able to describe how you make me f..
Your eyes were cloudy last time I looked through them. Once clear, brown tunnels through the inner workings of your mind are now shut down, closed for..