A Story by Cass
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A Story by Cass
I stood by myself at the frozen banks of the river. I had a large jacket on, my hands in my pockets. I was cold and thinking. Thinking about Greg. He ..
A Chapter by Cass
I glanced in my bedroom mirror. I looked quite OK. For once. I had always dressed with baggy trousers and a white singlet with anything I could find i..
A Chapter by Cass
I waited for the bell to ring as I hung outside the classrooms.*DING DING*A bunch of boys and girls came rushing over to where I was standing. I was a..
A Book by Cass
A long day. A hard week. A disappointing life.
A Poem by Cass
A sketch is art,a drawing is expression,I am both,like a massive art cart.I look at the page,I stare at its gaze,I dare think,about the colours,like p..
A Poem by Cass
I want to be free,live life at no fee,Enjoy it,Live it,Don't live in the pits.I want to have a boyfriend,I want a girlfriend (not the gay type)I want ..
A Poem by Cass
I share andI dare.I love everything I do,Iparticipatein so many things,I come out a winner and enjoy what I do.I Never say NO,I just let life go,I'm a..
A Poem by Cass
I laugh,I cry,I live a normal life,then I die.Everyone does this,it's normal,Really normal,Unbelievablynormal,Strange huh?I live not caring,not wonder..
A Chapter by Cass
I walked with my hands in my pockets outside onto my front lawn. A smallpuppyran towards me and I knelt to pat him. I looked up to see a handsome youn..