Death is Peaceful. Life is Harder.
I base my writing upon what comes to mind, what I'm going through, and true feelings. I'm opinionated, and sometimes you'll see that shine through the cracks of my writing. If you don't agree with my views, I'm sorry. But not everyone will agree with your's either. I write for the minds of my peers, fellow teens.. young adults. Though, I have had many adults compliment me on my writing. I won't say I'm the best, or even good.. I try. I work at it, and this is my passion. I'm working to get better, working for a purpose. They say the quiet ones are the ones you need to look out for. Well, for the sake of my writing, I hope that's true. We'll see where this road takes us, I suppose.
For the basics, I'm a 21 year old girl who hardly ever puts her thoughts to words. I'm the type to write it out, and let others interpret them on their own. I'm a girl with a purpose, a desire, and many, many goals.
By the way, none of my writing has anything to do with Twilight [or related characters, actors, series] I just like the pictures :] Don't be fooled.
Currently: I'm working on a major project:
Laughing Ashes but it will no longer be posted on this site.
Critique on all my writing is greatly appreciated and always helps!