


All I want is the taste that your lips allow.. mu-my-mu-my-Oh, give me love.

Mo-Town, NC
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Death is Peaceful. Life is Harder.

I base my writing upon what comes to mind, what I'm going through, and true feelings. I'm opinionated, and sometimes you'll see that shine through the cracks of my writing. If you don't agree with my views, I'm sorry. But not everyone will agree with your's either. I write for the minds of my peers, fellow teens.. young adults. Though, I have had many adults compliment me on my writing. I won't say I'm the best, or even good.. I try. I work at it, and this is my passion. I'm working to get better, working for a purpose. They say the quiet ones are the ones you need to look out for. Well, for the sake of my writing, I hope that's true. We'll see where this road takes us, I suppose.

For the basics, I'm a 21 year old girl who hardly ever puts her thoughts to words. I'm the type to write it out, and let others interpret them on their own. I'm a girl with a purpose, a desire, and many, many goals.

By the way, none of my writing has anything to do with Twilight [or related characters, actors, series] I just like the pictures :] Don't be fooled.

Currently: I'm working on a major project: Laughing Ashes but it will no longer be posted on this site.

Critique on all my writing is greatly appreciated and always helps!


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Posted 12 Years Ago

indeed, tis life i suppose.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

i'd like to forget alot of things, but it seems that's just not in the cards as they say.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

i looked like a speed junkie last time i danced if i remember correctly, according to my sisters. grey poupon was this dressing stuff poor people put on their food to feel rich. they joke about the commercial in the movie wayne's world. i don't like mike myers anymore, never cared for dana carvey except in that movie. i miss the past sometimes though, life seemed so much simpler back then, but i suppose it wasn't really in hindsight.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

again, everyone has their own tastes. just like some people like dancing, i don't, nor do i know how. some people think robin williams is a funny guy, i hate him, some people use grey poupon, i never have XD.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hey, everyone likes different things, what's you gonna do?

the pipettes is a girl band that tries to sound like they're from the 60's. their album "we are the pipettes" is really good if you like 60's music. i don't like their newer stuff though, it's more like the 70's.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

that would explain why i didn't like it whenever the last time was i listened to it, i usually don't like slow songs, i'm too impatient. the worst song in the history of mankind to me is a song called forgetting by daniel grey or whatever his name is. they played it at my theatre job all the time and i swear i wanted to rip the speakers out, anways, to not end with such a negative ever listened to the pipettes?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

i don't remember that song, perhaps i'll have to check it out on youtube and hear the whole thing, but yes they do seem to get better. linkin park was like that until after minutes to midnight, now they just suck to me. that dead by sunrise offshoot band chester tried starting was a pretty good cd, he should try more with that project. blue octobers new cd wasn't very good either. but i will always love three days grace, adam's voice is F-ing spectacular.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

indeed, i own two of their cd's, i only own the songs "hanging by a moment" and "you and me" from their first cd. hope their next one, whenever it comes out, is just as good.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

hanging by a moment-lifehouse. that's the description for my status.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

that whole show is silly, so i guess i have a silly sense of humor. ttly.