Dave C. : Writing

This Is Your Song

This Is Your Song

A Poem by Dave C.

The lyrics to a love song I wrote
Your Submission

Your Submission

A Poem by Dave C.

The lyrics to a love/erotic song I wrote
Love Lust

Love Lust

A Poem by Dave C.

An erotic poem to share with your loved one.
The Angels Speak

The Angels Speak

A Poem by Dave C.

A love poem to share with your loved one.
Undying Love: Zombiphiles or Denecrophiliacs

Undying Love: Zombiphiles or Denecrophiliacs

A Story by Dave C.

A satire set in a zombie infested world. However, the danger in not the zombies. These zombies couldn't hurt a fly. The danger is in how we exploit..

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