Folding green, rolling a budding tree
Countless extremities
Forming, over and over
As they appear to me
Opening up to a spring's delight
Dancing ..
As below, as we float upon it
Thinking that, thus, transform the truth, to trite
What's below is so above, can't see it
Can't make it bright
glistening in the darkit waits, it lurksbrimming between insanitymolten disdain searches urgentlya victim it cravesmore than life, it doesn't savedrag..
dripping from the toothwhat cant be freedsweaty eyes bleedthe truthand i want to hearand i want to screamand i want to come cleanhavent seen me for a ..
Once in a wincing eyeStraining in painTo see no lieNothingBeen saidNothing, givenTwice been said, that onceBeen saidSweet hands give everythingNothing..
Poised to sire an impossible desire
A red tempest in a temptress, white fire
My comely maiden I do intend to squire
To my vessel, shall it sc..
It's so relevant today
To forget yesterday
We live in the house of our fathers
Plain sight squatters
Lessons learned, okay
Originality burned, aw..
We stare into the light that shys
Grateful to glimpse it before it dies
Turning our eyes
We daydream into the night that thrives
Thankful to..
Let's be fair to one another, again
There's a figure crouched down
Cold, down in the gutter
We haven't much in common
Let's thank our mother
She ..
riding along the highwaytaking a backseat to controlhungry minds are on patroli swear by my feati swear to be neati will pretendi will friendwhere wil..