Mike Davies : Writing

Young At Heart

Young At Heart

A Poem by Mike Davies

Young At Heart by Mike on Scribd
Heart To Heart

Heart To Heart

A Poem by Mike Davies

Spanda (sanskrit), the vibration of divine consciousness manifesting as the whole universe.
The Tower

The Tower

A Poem by Mike Davies

The Tower by Mike on Scribd
Vanilla Pearl

Vanilla Pearl

A Poem by Mike Davies

Vanilla Pearl by Mike on Scribd
Life's Work

Life's Work

A Poem by Mike Davies

Evolution in a jar.
The Bell

The Bell

A Poem by Mike Davies

The Bell by Mike on Scribd
The Power Within

The Power Within

A Poem by Mike Davies

Gods, superheroes, life coaches and gurus. They all exist outside you. Instead, crack open the pearl that is lodged deep inside you, and become your ..
Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

A Poem by Mike Davies

The eternal dance of life and death.
Common Ground

Common Ground

A Poem by Mike Davies

The path we all all have to walk.
Game Theory

Game Theory

A Poem by Mike Davies

The game of games concealed within the software.