carl : Writing

West to East (flash non-fiction)

West to East (flash non-fiction)

A Story by carl

One of my earliest memories
Yes They Will (flash non-fiction)

Yes They Will (flash non-fiction)

A Story by carl

Flash non-fiction if there is such a thing.
Don't Touch That Dial

Don't Touch That Dial

A Poem by carl

just having some fun remembering a primary source of entertainment as a kid.


A Poem by carl

based on a recent conversation
When We Lived Like Bandits

When We Lived Like Bandits

A Poem by carl

poetic translation of story shared with me from oldest son.
Sequoia sempervirens

Sequoia sempervirens

A Poem by carl

My impression upon meeting my first ever California Coastal Redwood. Have been thinking of this since I returned to Missouri.
Poised on Periphery

Poised on Periphery

A Poem by carl

you've been there
Appointed Day?

Appointed Day?

A Poem by carl

Kairos planned moment: can another be waited for in which we may act or perhaps needn't bother. Opportunity missed: gone its self..
Season of Death

Season of Death

A Story by carl

As the rising sun labored to drive frost from the fields and warm the Vermont hillside, he knew he was dying. The blaze of death was erupting every..
Warning Label

Warning Label

A Poem by carl

just having fun, but, yeah, some truth here also.