Too much of the invisible fog that blinded a girl who wanted to rest in the lapse of mother earth. A sad one~ so simple and ordinary.
Quoted by a beautiful soul who's been in pain for so long
5 minutes ago...i heard the world,a new place where i knew nothingbehind those lovely curtain4 minutes ago...i held it,learned the four colors,stared ..
These are the questions to which I can't find answers...
Hurriedly, they dragged me by my hands,Made me sit in a coffin,Surrounded by something new,Called 'the cruel house'.I couldn't believe my own eyes,Sou..
You are the reason for her tears,You are the reason for my tears,You are the one who makes her alive,You are the one who makes me alive.When my angel ..
I see a shadowShadow of tomorrowDo you know how it looks?Scary.The way you are nearing meReally scary.As everything that I wanted and protectedStarts ..
No one loves usThus rounded by lonelinessTasting the core of fear,This feeling is a true killerLove is everything you show themIn return they show you..