I didn't sleep in the hole night, I couldn'tHe was always in my mindAfter he left yesterday it was 4:00 in the morning, I couldn't sleep and was too s..
I looked around the dull blank room I have been waking up to for the past month.You would think I had an important surgery or a really big health prob..
Ijust want to go home. I want everything to go back to be the same as before.I hate my dad.. But I need him, I don't know what to do or how to act wit..
Curtis was frozen for a moment before he finally woke out of his daze and hugged me back, but I didn't notice that's what he was trying to, so I moved..
I haven't slept in two days now and had been ignoring Curtis everytime he tried talking to me. I couldn't keep my eyes open and all I wanted to do was..
I was shocked when he didn't say anything and just kept still staring at me, with my hands still hoding to his arm. But what shocked me the most was t..
After about 2 minutes of silence, the words finally sunk in. She had been cheating on him, all this time. She told him that she loved him every mornin..
I stared up at him. I was completely lost of words. Should I believe him? He haven't lied to me in all the time we've met and he seemedtrustworthyenou..
Curtis P. of V.(YeeeeeeeiThis chapter is dedicated tosecratsandlies because she was the first one to comment in alooooongtime)After I left the room I ..
Lucas P. of V.:I woke up with the light shining in my eyes and my head resting against somebody's shoulder. My body tensed immediately and my heart st..