when you struggle to word sentences in writing

when you struggle to word sentences in writing

A Lesson by Sally

in this lesson, I will go over my experiences and difficulties with wording sentences


it cannot be easy when you find wording sentences difficult, and what I find most frustrating is, because I write so many books, people think I have it easy when I actually don’t. For example, in my English class when I struggle to word sentences they think I’m just messing around, but actually I do struggle. And so, that is what i’m here to try and help with if anybody is in the same situation as I am. When you struggle to word sentences, it can be very difficult, but some situations are different because you can’t just clear your head when you were sat in a noisy classroom, or when you’re at home stop doing your homework and puzzling over a particularly hard essay that your teacher wants you to write by the next day. So the best thing to do is try and get creative without overthinking, which can also be very difficult, if you don’t know how it’s done. First of all, take a breather. Then, if it’s a comprehensive, read one question at a time carefully or if it’s an essay, think about how you would write it and then put it in a neeter way. it’s not easy, but if you try your hardest, have patience and perseverance, and have the right support even if you’re not sat in a noisy classroom or puzzling over an essay, it can be done.
I really hope you enjoyed this lesson. I’m sorry I haven’t been posting recently.

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Added on July 13, 2024
Last Updated on July 13, 2024

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Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

hello, my name is Romeanie but I prefer to be called Sally. I love singing and book writing and I used to always write books when I was younger, I have now taken up writing again and have joined this ..