The basics of writing an autobiography

The basics of writing an autobiography

A Lesson by Sally

In this lesson we will discuss the basics of writing autobiographies


Writing an autobiography can be difficult, weather that be because there are certain dates, memories or event that you wish to add in your book, or because your life has had so many different parts and sections that everything is so hard to cram in one book. Well, that changes now as you read this course. Okay, as soon as you discover that you want to make an autobiography, begin to make notes at once. You must write every event down that you can remember that you wish to add, that will be the starting point for the book. stick to the facts and dates and times if you can remember them they are vital even though they can be disinteresting, whether you’re writing the book to be published or you’re writing it to look back on certain memories, events et cetera, it’s good to look at the dates
really hope you enjoy this sorry for grammar problems, et cetera et cetera

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Added on August 17, 2024
Last Updated on August 17, 2024
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Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom

hello, my name is Romeanie but I prefer to be called Sally. I love singing and book writing and I used to always write books when I was younger, I have now taken up writing again and have joined this ..