Student ContractA Lesson by C. RoseIf you accept your admission, you must sign the student contract.Human Contract: In exchange for this education, I, ____________________, will not use any arcane abilities publicly or privately unless it is directly required for a class or internship. I will not speak of Armageddon, any of its programs, or anything to with paranormal or arcane to anyone not previously informed of these truths. If I break this contract I may be immediately expelled from any and all Armageddon programing and forfeit my right to any relevant memories in accordance with the Memory Protection Act of 1184. Print Name: ____________________ Signature: ______________________ Date: __/__/____
Halv Contract: In exchange for this education, I, ____________________, will not use any arcane abilities publicly or privately unless it is directly required for a class or internship. I will not speak of Armageddon, any of its programs, or anything to with paranormal or arcane to anyone not previously informed of these truths. If I break this contract I may be immediately expelled from any and all Armageddon programing and forfeit my right to any relevant memories in accordance with the Memory Protection Act of 1184. I confirm that the content of my blood is less than four percent demonic as per the Council’s temporary ruling 243A8. If a Leviathan agent comes for me I will go with them without question and without causing a distraction. If I learn of another Halv not complying with this contract or any law I will inform the headmaster of Armageddon in a timely manner. I will not use any inhuman abilities without explicit permission from a teacher or superior. I will not leave campus without a Leviathan agent, my Guardian Organization representative, or my social worker. I will not enter any dormitory except for the eighth. I will stay with the peer observing me. If I break this contract I forfeit all temporary rights given to me by any and all organizations.
Print Name: ____________________ Signature: ______________________ Registration Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ Blood Percentage: __.____% Type/Race: _____________________ Date: __/__/____
Social Worker: __________________ Signature: _____________________ Date: __/__/____
Guardian Organization: ___________ Legitimacy Code: _____________ Signature: __________________ Date: __/__/____
Council Member: _____________ Signature: _____________________ Date: __/__/____ Seal: Comments |
2 Subscribers Added on October 14, 2013 Last Updated on October 14, 2013