7 Signs of Trolling

7 Signs of Trolling

A Lesson by N. C. Matthews

Knowing the difference between a troll comment and a comment meant to help can keep your blood pressure, and your foot-in-mouth responses, down to a minimum...we hope.


The signs of a devious little troll out to trash your work are all around you.  Sometimes they are so glaringly obvious that it's hard to not see them.  Other times the slippery little devils will sneak a trolling comment in without you realizing it.  Whatever type of troll or trolling comment you may get, there are a few signs that will clue you in on whether or not you have been trolled.

1.  incoherent babble or text speak - If it took you longer to decipher what the commenter wrote than it did for you to write the work that the comment appears on, chances are it's a troll. 

2.  attention w****s -  These will be comment after comment after comment from someone who will use every troll trick in the book to elicit a response from the writer or even the fans of the author.

3.  "I know you are but what am I?" - Comments like "You suck!"  "That was stupid!"  "Don't quit your day job."  "I hope no one is stupid enough to buy your book."  It's a subspecies of attention w***e trolls who like to tell the author in no certain terms that the work in question was not any good.  Often times retorting with, "Okay, smart guy, since you are such a better writer than me, let's see you post/print/publish your work for me to trash talk.  See how you like it."  Usually the troll in question will start craw fishing like crazy in an attempt to not have to explain that they can't write and were saying those things because they were actually jealous of all the attention your work is getting.

4.  LOOK AT ME!  LOOK AT ME! - Another subspecies of attention w***e trolls seem to think that IF THEY WRITE EVERYTHING IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS THAT IT MAKES THEM LOOK SMARTER AND THAT IT WILL GET THEIR POINT ACROSS.  THEY ALSO THINK THAT CONSTANT USE OF EXCLAMATION POINTS WILL MAKE THEM SEEM SMARTER AS WELL!!!!!!.  In reality, it really just makes the comments harder to read, usually having the opposite effect that the troll is looking for by causing readers and the writer alike to skip right over the comment (but we'll keep that our little secret).  Basically it's the equivalent of a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum.

5.  the hypocrite - These are some of my favorite trolls.  I write a lot of erotic fantasy, so the majority of my work gets posted on adult blogs, forums, and websites.  What I find absolutely hilarious is all the 'morally correct' people who will go on to these types of sites, break out their bibles and start thumping away in the form of comments meant to belittle the author.  Well I figure since they are already on their high horse, they can take the moral high ground and just not bother to go to sites that contain adult literature.  That way all the little pots won't have to sit around debating their morality issues with all the little kettles.  Idiots.

6.  the moral high grounder - This is a spin-off of the hypocrite troll.  These are people who will sit and tell the writer, in great detail, exactly why their point of view is wrong and why the commenter is right.  These trolls especially like trolling articles, blogs, and other forms of opinionated writing.  They lay in wait for someone to say something that they do not agree with or do not like just to point out how "wrong" and "bad" the author is for having written such opinions.

7.  "I would have written it this way..." - Okay, newsflash.  Writers do not mind people giving them an honest opinion on what they think would have made the story better, or how they felt about certain events taking place in the plotline, etc.  If it is honest criticism, then we don't mind.  Don't expect us to actually change what we have written, but we will keep it in mind for future novels.  But as soon as someone states, "I would have written it this way..." then our ears close up.  We do NOT care how YOU would have written it.  If you really think that you could have written it better, then you can feel free to go spend all the time and energy it took to develop the plotline, develop the characters and the world in which they exist, then write the story, hammer out the details, edit, proofread...There is a lot of work that goes into creating stories.  The funny thing is that of all the trolls who I have openly dared to go write that great idea of theirs since they seem to know so much more than me, not a single one has ever risen to the challenge.

These are not, of course, all the signs that you have a troll in your midst.  It's safe to say that anyone who is not giving an honest opinion but is writing anything that has the sole purpose of infuriating the writer is trolling the work in question.  This does not mean that the person will always have nothing but rosy things to say about the work.  But here is how to spot the difference.

Troll Comment:  "You suck!  This was terrible!  You call yourself a writer?  Better not quit your day job.  I could write a better story in my sleep.  And what the hell is a wereanimal?!  Where's you rip that piece of garbage from?  I thought that was a clothing line for children.  Are people seriously stupid enough to actually read this crap? (author's note:  obviously they were since the troll read it!)  I hope no one is stupid enough to buy your book.  What a ripoff!"

The above comment is nothing more than mindless drivel stated by an attention grabbing reader who has nothing better to do with their time than to troll stories with the expressed intent to annoy the writer because he/she is jealous of the author's writing ability.  Let's compare it to a comment that actually has some merit.

Non-trolling Comment:  "Okay, this was really badly written and I'll tell you why.  There were tons of misspelled words, incomplete sentences galore, and I had a really hard time following the storyline.  The dialogue was cheesy at best, and who came up with the names for these characters?  I think it could really be something great if the grammar and spelling was cleaned up a bit and the storyline more coherent."

Did you spot the difference?  The second comment is certainly not pretty, but it has merit to it.  The commenter isn't just saying negative things, but is giving reasons on why he/she thinks the way he/she does.  It may still be criticism, but it's constructive rather than deconstructive.

Now that you know more about how your trolls think and act, you will stand a better chance of brushing off the comments that have little merit to them.  Just remember, it's much better if you will simply "not feed the trolls."

Nicola Chey Matthews is a published author with over twenty-eight years of writing experience.  Read more articles on writing at

Read some of Nicola's erotic fantasy on her personal website

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Posted 6 Years Ago

Your writing very well and provide a lot of useful information. But if you tap water more than half as compared to another article, I would definitely be great
geometry dash

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you. I just found this site today, and I found this article today when I was feeling like I was allowing myself to be someone else's doormat because of their excessive trolling and flaming behaviors. The articles I found on this site helped me to get my courage back up and to find a reason to keep writing. I'm hoping I can find some friends here who might provide me some worthy feedback, without the trolling and flaming, on some of my poetry. khaaty

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Posted 14 Years Ago

If you are asking me if I surf or hang out on 4chan, then no. I do not consider myself a force to be reckoned with. Okay, maybe a little. I am a writer, pure and simple, who mentors other writers and helps all those who wish to partake of my 28 years of trials and errors. As for the roughly other 15 definitions of that slang phrase....well, it depends on exactly which definition you were referring to when asking me this question.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

serious question (not trolling): by any chance, are you a /b/tard?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Most writers do not like criticism in any form, me included ;D. I have learned the hard way through 28 years of trial and error to pick my battles, brush off 'deconstructive' comments that are only meant to hurt or infuriate, and to take into advisement those critiques that I think might help the storyline. To be a writer, one has to develop a pretty thick skin. You can't please all the people all the time, and in writing, you are doing good to please half the people some of the time!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Your example of troll vs. non-troll commentary is excellent. I wish more people understood this difference.

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N. C. Matthews
N. C. Matthews

My pen name is Nicola Chey Matthews. I have been writing for over 28 years now. I first began writing when I was only five years old. I wrote my first novel at the age of 13, and had attempted 2 ot..