How to recover from sickness totally
A Lesson by shivohumsohum
Humans fall sick at the drop of a hat. Sickness is like superficial dirt on a Car's windshield. It needs to be washed clean with the water of resolve, wiped out by the wipers of perseverance and dried up and made shining new again with the strength of the same glorious Sun.
How to regain your
health totally!
1. Know for sure that you are a
precious bit of creation and perfection personified. If there are any flaws in
you...they do not belong to you but rather, have merged into your aura from
your surroundings. When you feel and fall sick, your being has been temporarily
corrupted by negative energy from around you. This negativity may have entered
you through food, drink, ingesting smoke, physical company, talk, visual, a
guilty conscience, and various other such things of a low-vibratory nature.
When your aura is punctured by negativity, it lies open for more 'bad-air' to
pass through and when you feel unwell for the first time or depressed or in
pain, this is a sign that you are not 'you'!
2. So now ...'KNOW' that someone or
something else is trying to take charge of your body and trying to dampen your
own spirit! Knowing that you are alert will automatically weaken the entity
that is causing you to feel weak and it will stop feeding on your strength for
a while. Be aware of you...being 'yourself'. Whatever sickness that you may
have been diagnosed with can be expelled totally and securely within a short
time. Your immune system that has gone for a toss has to be balanced
first by centering the solar plexus chakra. This can be done simply by proper and
regular breathing and trying to use your abdomen muscles to 're-locate and
shift' the wheel of your inner-sun to its proper
the center of the body above the belly-button and below the rib-cage.
You can also place a small circular tray smaller than the mouth/rim of a tall
medium-glass above the point between your belly button and below the
lungs, light a small candle (careful not to let hot-wax drip on your
skin.... that's why we need the circular tray...of 3 inch diameter).
Now place the glass gently over the lit candle in the the oxygen is
consumed by the burning flame of the wick, the flesh of your stomach will be
pulled inside the glass by the vacuum created. Do not be alarmed by this
queer-feeling phenomenon. After the light extinguishes, wait for a while as the
chakra is sucked to the middle of the body. Do this procedure 7
times within 30 minutes whenever you do not feel well and you will be
fine-tuning your immune system.
3. Diet: Eat Green salads and fruit
and drink fresh juices mostly avoiding meats, fish egg and other poultry and
dairy products including milk. Have as a hot beverage some Green tea every day,
this will relive gas and acidity. Eating a pod of garlic every week and
munching on some ginger can do wonders to your health. Fast once a week for 20
hours at least by avoiding eating food thus giving the digestive system some
rest and drinking only cooled but previously boiled water. Break your fast by
drinking some lime-juice. There are a variety of herbs that rejuvenate the body
and mind, check them out in an Ayurveda store. I personally recommend chewing
AMLA and using Tulsi, Basil leaves in your diet or on your body. Coriander
green leaves when freshly cut and washed absolutely clean and boiled in pure
water, strained in clean strainers and stored after cooling in a clean bottle
and refrigerated, serves as a rejuvenating 7 glass drink a glass per day for a
week. This drink clears the kidneys and liver of unwanted toxins, excess salts
and Mercury and lead deposits like nothing else can. Especially if you are fond
of eating fish and meat. ..(As fish is fond of drinking oil and waste-emissions
in the water released by ships.) Just Once a year is good enough but do your
research before taking this treatment as the effects vary from person to
persons and various body types. Also the juice of the seeds of the ripe
Pomegranate fruit and the skin of the fruit too is wonderful to solve stomach
problems. Helps arrest bowel movement but also acts as a laxative in case of
constipation. Again….I suggest looking up in this regard in books.
Avoid Chinese salt or Ajinomoto in
your food as this is what triggers migraines and severe-long lasting headaches
in some people.
4. Exercise your mind and body. Sit
quietly in a place that makes you feel peaceful and happy. Close your eyes or
keep them open as you please, breathe slow inhale...hold in the air for a
while...feel full and slowly exhale...long and slow...and out. Imagine the air as
a purifier that you breathe in and cleans your insides wholly and expels the
sickness out through your nostrils. Keep the mouth closed. Do this for about 30
minutes. Sit in the rays of the early morning Sun facing it for at least half
an hour daily.
Visualize good thoughts that make you
'feel-good'! Sit under colored light panes with the
Sun streaming rays through them while setting down.
The colors Red, Blue and Green help to release stress if used at
least once a week. Even a soft lamp with colored light can be used.5
5. Now we need some physical slow
exercises also to expel the negativity from the body. Stand up and stretch up
your hands to the sky...extend your whole body upwards on the soles of your
feet slowly rising on the toes....breathe, come down...hands down and exhale.
You can do this exercise 7 times each (since 7 is an auspicious and universal
number)..then makes your own exercise...taking the hands to the sides, back,
front down, diagonal e.t.c do not feel inhibited...when the muscles stretch a
bit and you feel good...that is the proper way to continue the exercise. Then
do the same with your legs....stretch out on the ground and sprawl like a cat
stretching its limbs. Enjoy the stretch and muscle release. Curl your toes
in as tight as you can, breathe, hold, release. Then Each muscle of
the body from the head to the toes...rigid, breathe-in, release...breathe
out...the whole exercise of Crown, forehead, eyes, cheeks, lips, neck,
shoulders, back, chest/breast/abdomen, rep-organs, hips, seat of the pants,
thighs, legs and angles till the toes should take a good one hour and sleep
will be peaceful and refreshing. Never exert yourself. Do this regularly
without fail....preferable early morning or in the evening. Going out in the
open near the shore or on a hill or in the park will give you the right
ambiance. Hugging a tree with both hands and a full embrace will release all
your negativity that you don't need into the tree and
also through the soles of your bare-feet safely through the roots and
into the ground. Then absorb the Earth-energy along with the tree's life-force
by visualizing that you are an extension of the Tree and you are
drawing all the good things your body and mind need to heal ...from the depths
of the Earth...coming up from the roots, trunk and your own limbs to
you...imagine the 'heart of the
tree'... now-pressed to your beating as one. Nothings
busts stress better than this exercise as great chemical changes
occur within your body and even DNA is miraculously altered and upgraded.
The resulting calmness and
newness of being in you will stimulate a host of other fabulous gifts
into your life...and living will be easy when your health is rosy.
6. Now the second last step in healing
yourself is by SHOUTING out LOUD. Count 1 through 10 as a shout originating in
your solar-plexus below the rib cage and finding its way out through your vocal
chords through your mouth in a LOUD Vent. Keep your hands on your hips when
doing this. Then say the Alphabets A through Z in a shout....never forcing from
the throat but rather a deep rumble from the pit of your the
roar of the mighty LION. At first this may seem funny and if there are people
around you they may ridicule you...but know you are ridding yourself of the
demons that are in you but don't belong to you...the demons of sickness.
Continue with days of the week, months and the word OUT!!
Then just whisper...soft nothings to
the air...the energy required just to move a small leaf with your breath. This
contrasting exercise is very helpful to the senses specially when concluded
with absolute silence for a while. In this silence ...even
the mind should not think and be still.
Then read a good book in easy print
while retiring to bed. I would even suggest children's fairy-tales.
grudges you may be holding against the world. Let them be....and you be free. letting go...feel lighter. Greet everyone you meet as if she/he is
GOD. Treat everyone with respect. Wish everyone well. Be lady-like and
gentlemanly in your social behavior and even in the middle of a
party...remember to hold your drink...even if it may be water. Develop your
mind to think of great things and greatness will follow your foot-steps. Be
grateful to people who have been kind to you. Forget what is not needed
as a remembrance. Laugh loudly when you feel like even smiling. Cry out when
you feel sad. Release the tension from your body by using your own hands to
massage your body. Treat yourself kindly and then treat others kindly too. Give
someone a gift and bask in the radiance of their joyous smile. Gift yourself
a vacation ...and if you can’t afford it....just take a walk on the beach or
mountain-path or your office-passage or the hallway, if you live in the city
and don't have a park then even window-shopping can make you very
happy. Remember that wishes come true when wished with all your heart and
mind...and the soul is fulfilled by just being kind. Keep good company. Treat
family with respect and gentleness. Sleep well and sound whenever you get
the opportunity too. Dream of being healthy and alive and well and along with
other great things that manifest in your life, I promise you your health will
regain totally! And this world that you live in will seem new and
wonderful when each wondrous morning you awaken to!
Seek yourself and you shall find.
Always take medication under medical supervision.
Live healthy, be happy and be free from fear.
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Added on May 14, 2013
Last Updated on May 16, 2013
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shivohumsohumShambala, Mount Kailash, India
Everything started with me.
Everything lives with me and within me.
Everything will end with me.
Shivohum Sohum
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