To Create A Perfect Mary SueA Course by DeepshikhaWe've all seen them, those characters that have everything, lack nothing, and we utterly despise them. Yeah, THOSE characters *coughBellaSwancough* Well, I'm going to go through and try to give a better understanding of a Mary Sue, and well, through how to write one, I'll give you tips on avoiding Mary Sues...or Gary Stus, if you're into that kind of thing.Lessons
3 Subscribers Added on March 2, 2010 Last Updated on March 2, 2010 AuthorDeepshikhaWhere Time Passes, PAAboutThis is archive for the poetry I've written, spanning back from when I first started writing in 2007. I mostly write fiction now and don't post it on here. Enjoy if you'd like. I'm Deepshikha. .. |