The Plot Thickens, Unless it Doesn't
A Course by Alex
Throughout this course, I will go over the process of developing the literary plot. Without a plot, your characters exist in a vacuum, and no amount of quirks, world building, or dialogue will save them. These are all important elements, true - characters must be interesting, the setting they exist in must be alive and detailed, and their interactions with it and with each other must be organic and engaging. But the plot is the vehicle that the reader travels in to experience all of this.
Structurally speaking, plots aren't very complicated, and this course will follow that notion. I won't be going over how to implement shocking plot twists, or manage a mulitlinear epic. This course will simply reintroduce writers to the classic plot format that many standard stories follow.
3 Subscribers
Added on June 24, 2015
Last Updated on June 24, 2015
AlexCohoes, NY
Though I will occasionally write a poem here or there, poetry is not something that I consider myself well versed in - no pun untended. Because of that, I will usually not review other poems, as the b..