Describe What's In Your Mind

Describe What's In Your Mind

A Lesson by Tracie D'Angelo

"Paint your words!"


Before you begin writing, close your eyes and try to "see" the scene you are going to write about. Is it in a room or is it outside? Is your character alone or are there other people around? Really put yourself in the scene. As you begin to write imagine the scene unfolding. You are responsible for writing down everything you're seeing like a police report, but eloquent and entertaining. Capture hand movements and expressions. If you happen to notice a leaf falling from a tree in the background, then add that too. There may be a reason why it drew your attention. Draw the scene in your mind with words on your paper.

The best part about a book is that its like a TV show in your head, but without commercials. The best writers are those who can create those images in the minds of others. Take your time and carefully place words. Writing is one part creativity and one part technique. Allow yourself to be immersed in your story to where you leave a little piece of yourself in everything you write. Allow yourself to become vulnerable so that your audience never has to question your motives. Writing is so much like painting. Let the paper be your canvas and your words the paint. Above all else...take your time and enjoy the process. It's quality and not quantity.

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Posted 5 Years Ago

Love this decription of how to view in your mind what to write so that others can experience the story with you.
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Added on March 8, 2010
Last Updated on March 8, 2010
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Tracie D'Angelo
Tracie D'Angelo

Annapolis, MD

I'm a 45 year old mom of 2 teens in Maryland (US). I work as an asst. librarian at our local elementary school. I also review books and write the blog for a local book store. I've just revamped my own..