A Lesson by Domenic Luciani

this'll be a short one.


When you read a story, you like to feel for the character's; be shocked when they do something unexpected, and cringe when they step in dog crap . . . maybe not that last one, but still.

There is no almighty, all-encompassing way for you grab your reader and slap him in his figurative face. All you need is a slight change of word choice.

Make analogies that address the reader personally. For example, "to his pleasure, he found in his daquerri adorned with one of those mini-umbrellas you find in fancy drinks."

By simply adding the word 'you' you are adressing the reader directly, and they will notice that you are aware of their presence.

Also, limiting your use of possessives in your story, usually in a first person narrative, you can allow the reader to explore your world without needing the main character constantly there. It's like a couple that sees each other way too often. You gotta take a break every once in a while.

"I left for the store in my car. When my house was nothing but a shape in my rearview mirror, I looked back at the road and continued on my way."

"I left for the store in the jeep. When the house was nothing but a shape in the rearview mirror, My gaze turned back to the road as the car sped along it."

Not the best example but you get the idea.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

A basic ingredient of effective and powerful writing is that the writer needs to connect with the audience so that the feeling and impression can be communicated in an effective manner. In our online english literature classes we are taught with the skill through which we can develop these skills

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I like to write in the third person. But, I find myself switching back and forth. I like to insert a little dialog with the characters.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I like the characters because they are so much like me.they're a******s, they're abslolutely adorable,and sometimes they can make you cringe.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I like third person i'm better at it.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

ahhhhhhhhh, that was very astute. Very helpful. Thank you.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Now that is something different, I've always assumed you avoid the use of "you" unless you're writing first person. I'll have to try that.

I agree on the second, over use of "my, you," ect gets to repetitive for me when reading others stories. Simple rewording could fix a lot of that usually.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I always try to anticipate the reader's mood and react to it in the story. I like throwing in little touches like "try to keep up" and "you don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?" I occasionally write in third person, but I strongly prefer first person. I write the way I talk. It just seems more natural. I don't tell anectdotes and drinking stories in third person, so I try not to write that way either.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I love first person narratives, and find the fact that the reader is only aware of what ever facts the narrator is aware of makes for interesting discoveries through out the read, as the reader and the narrator become aware of the unknown simultaneously...
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Added on August 24, 2010
Last Updated on August 24, 2010
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Domenic Luciani
Domenic Luciani

Buffalo, NY

That is my real name, and that is really me in the picture. Like Patrick says, I'm not in the witness protection program. I mostly write books and stories. I like fantasy, or fiction, but if..