Formats of a Tanka and HaikuA Lesson by GalaxyGhostReviews the format of these Japanese poem types.Tanka The format is five lines, each has a particular amount of syllables. LINE 1 - 5 Syllables LINE 2 - 7 Syllables LINE 3 - 5 Syllables LINE 4 - 7 Syllables LINE 5 - 7 Syllables Haiku Similar to a Tanka, this poem style only has three lines that has this format: LINE 1 - 5 Syllables LINE 2 - 7 Syllables LINE 3 - 5 Syllables With these poems, it usually is using words that are descriptive and to the point that paints a picture. Comments |
1 Subscriber Added on May 26, 2016 Last Updated on May 26, 2016
AuthorGalaxyGhostUTAboutHello! I'm a student and writer. I love writing short stories of various fictional genres including mystery, suspense, fantasy, supernatural, and some poetry. Fun facts about me: -I write in jour.. |