The Who Part 1

The Who Part 1

A Lesson by mpotter

Characters: making them from scratch, finding them yourself, brewing them together, basing them on someone.



This is fiction. You are not writing about something real and that has happened. You are making it up. But, who does things? Who acts and who speaks? Who laughs and who saves the world? Who falls in love and who kills their friends mindlessly? And who are these friends? I feel I have made the need for characters clear enough.

Making: To make characters means to use bits of everything you know about others and yourself.

Finding: Finding characters is like picking friends. Pick the one that interests you the most.

Brewing: This means combining people to make a new person.

Basing: Let's say you have a friend who has all the qualities you want. Use that person in your story, but change the characters for your needs.

**Important Rules**

1. Don't use a character just because they interest you. Use them because they fit your story.

2. When you base a character off someone you know, change them so it is hard to tell if you are using them in your story. This is because when you show the characters faults, if the person knew it was supposed to be them, they might be offended.

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Added on December 21, 2011
Last Updated on December 21, 2011

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