Canzone poetry

Canzone poetry

A Lesson by Thomas Fitzgerald

Canzone Poetry Type is usually a medieval Italian lyric poem, with five or six stanzas and a shorter concluding stanza (or envoy). Canzone literally means "song" in Italian. The poet Patriarch was a master of the canzone. Petrarch or Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374) was an Italian poet and humanist, one of the great figures of Italian literature


Sonnet XIII from Canzoniere

Quando fra l'altre donne ad ora ad ora
Amor vien nel bel viso di costei,
quanto ciascuna è men bella di lei
tanto cresce 'l desio che m'innamora.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

there is only 4 lines in that poem ?

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I think it would be better use lyrical poetry, I have never heard of Canzone poetry. But, my knowledge of Petrarca is not so good so ... I bag your pardon and you be the "maestro".
I like it.
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Added on May 11, 2011
Last Updated on May 11, 2011
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Thomas Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzgerald

Wexford, Leinster, Ireland

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