Ballade Poetry Types

Ballade Poetry Types

A Lesson by Thomas Fitzgerald

Ballade Poetry Types are a French verse form, usually with three stanzas of seven, eight, or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of four or five lines. All stanzas end with the same one-line refrain. One of the most famous ballades is "Ballade des pendus" ("Ballade of the hanged men") by Francois Villon (1431 - c. 1463)


"Ballade des pendus"
("Ballade of the hanged men")
Francois Villon

Freres humains qui après nous vivez,
N'ayez les cuers contre nous endurcis,
Car, se pitié de nous povres avez,
Dieu en aura plus tost de vous mercis.

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Added on May 10, 2011
Last Updated on May 10, 2011
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Thomas Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzgerald

Wexford, Leinster, Ireland

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