How to make a name for a girlA Lesson by Cherie Paregrine Isishow to make a name for a girl who is preppy(hyper and very bouncy) And a name for a quiet girlOk so you've come to me to make a name because you are stuck,well i can make names up like a (snaps) so lets begun. Your person is a ''preppy'' girl so lets think of ''pink'' og happy things like.... bunny pink smiles lolly pops OK now think will/does she like any of those things?,and to make theses easier she likes lolly pops. now take the L and also an s and add the ie sound to the end of the name and now think of your favirot soda/coffe,and I'm using mine: Mocca so L & S and mocca, take the m off and add the l Locca,now i dont like the sound so im adding the s and the ie and take off one c so now: Locasie and i dont want a c and add an u and h Loushie! and there you go! Loushie (Lou-she-) Aname that sounds alittle happy but smart! Now a quiet girle,and my favriot to use is sofie, so sofie and i think of book and cat so how bout: Kafietie (k in book,a sa in cat and fie as in sofie!T as in cat and ie as in sofie) Kafietie( Ka-fee-t-ie) Comments
11 Subscribers Added on December 23, 2009 Last Updated on December 23, 2009
AuthorCherie Paregrine IsisThe red mounitens of , AZAbout# Right now, you say your mood is: * Ecstatic * Thoughtful * Content * Optimistic * Laid back * Conflicted *stares at you*,Hello Human i don't know (unless i do know y.. |