How to make a name for a girl

How to make a name for a girl

A Lesson by Cherie Paregrine Isis

how to make a name for a girl who is preppy(hyper and very bouncy) And a name for a quiet girl


Ok so you've come to me to make a name because you are stuck,well i can make names up like a (snaps) so lets begun.

Your person is a ''preppy'' girl so lets think of ''pink'' og happy things like....
lolly pops

OK now think will/does she like any of those things?,and to make theses easier she likes lolly pops.
now take the L and also an s and add the ie sound to the end of the   name and now think of your favirot soda/coffe,and I'm using mine: Mocca

so L & S and mocca,
take the m off and add the l
Locca,now i dont like the sound so im adding the s and the ie and take off one c so now:
and i dont want a c and add an u and h
and there you go!
Loushie (Lou-she-)
Aname that sounds alittle happy but smart!

Now a quiet girle,and my favriot to use is sofie,
so sofie and i think of book and cat
so how bout:
(k in book,a sa in cat and fie as in sofie!T as in cat and ie as in sofie)

Kafietie( Ka-fee-t-ie)


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Posted 12 Years Ago

You shouldn't make up names by muddling up letters.
If you're trying to name a character there are two ways to go about it:
Obvious connection to personality (without random moving around of letters) by using name meanings or connotations.
Naming the character as if the parent of said character named them - eg, names that are REAL names. Not just noises.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Uh, what? I can't even decipher what you're trying to say with your horrible, horrible spelling and grammar. CAPITALIZE, hun, or no one's going to take you seriously.
Wait, kidding. People are taking you seriously, they commented and everything. The others are too busy sighing in frustration.
This won't work for every book. Parents don't name their kids knowing their personality.
These names are ridiculous if they are used in modern settings. Just, use this method sparingly.
You know what? Never mind. It's your lessons, do what you want.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

WOW! But it won't help me in my type of writing. But still this idea is excellent!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

This feels like a good idea for coming up with names for manga or anime characters. Have to agree with Gabriella Stalker: won't really work in other types of writing.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

wow never tried that thats a cool way to come up wit names thanks.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Most works of fiction don't use made-up names. I think it would be very helpful to this lesson if you would mention in what types of literature this kind of naming would work. Fantasy is one that comes to mind, but this would definitely not work in something set in 1800's American, for instance. Also you should really clean up your spelling errors in here, it's very distracting. You misspelled "mocha" and I had no idea what you even meant at first.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

yeah its really cool!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Wow. I never thought of doing that.

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Posted 15 Years Ago


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Posted 15 Years Ago

OMG i do the SAME thing!
I feel so smart now!
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Added on December 23, 2009
Last Updated on December 23, 2009
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Cherie Paregrine Isis
Cherie Paregrine Isis

The red mounitens of , AZ

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