More Underhanded Writing GimmicksA Lesson by N. C. MatthewsYou just -thought- you knew all the underhanded tricks that writers use to promote themselves.More Underhanded Writing Gimmicks
I had written a previous article regarding some of the underhanded gimmicks that writers will do to try to create a 'buzz' about their work. Well, I have now discovered one that would appear to be exclusive to WritersCafe. In addition to creating dozens of sock accounts to write reviews about their own work, create conversations about their work between those sock accounts, vote their own work up and other authors' works down, among many other things, it would appear that now we have at least one member of WritersCafe who is using the sock accounts to create fake social groups and hold writing contests. As you may have guessed, this allows the main identity to keep winning all these bogus contests….over, and over, and over again. To add insult to injury these fake accounts are also being used to write lovely reviews of the main identity's works, allowing this one user to "earn" badge after badge from WritersCafe. What you wanna bet that these identities are also leaving some not-so-rosy reviews of other writers' works?
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11 Subscribers Added on February 19, 2011 Last Updated on February 19, 2011
AuthorN. C. MatthewsAboutMy pen name is Nicola Chey Matthews. I have been writing for over 28 years now. I first began writing when I was only five years old. I wrote my first novel at the age of 13, and had attempted 2 ot.. |