Free your inner child

Free your inner child

A Lesson by Helen Crutchett

Day 6


Today  if you have some poster paints (the nontoxic kind that children use) get a smock or apron on (or old clothes) and paint like a child. When children paint, they just go with the process of painting, letting their vision unfold any which way it does. Put some music on if you like, to get yourself loosey-goosey. Now just go with the flow of whatever presents itself on your paper. Allow your eyes to choose the colours and your hands to form the shapes on the paper. No preplanning needed. And if you're up to it, you can use your fingers!





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Added on May 8, 2013
Last Updated on May 8, 2013

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Helen Crutchett
Helen Crutchett

N.S.W., Australia