Lesson 1

Lesson 1

A Lesson by Lauren..

Change writing finding inspiration when you are lost and how to change the world


Welcome students, in this class you can learn how you can change the world. I know what you must be thinking how can I change the world. Simple poetry. Ideas can come along at any time. Sure the well has gone dry, but I can help you through any struggle when it comes to finding your place in the world.
1. Explore yourself and find a safe place to create.
2. Come up a list of people who inspire you.
3 imagine if you could meet this person, write thoughts and share them below.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

Emily Dickinson, Stephen king.
If I met Emily Dickinson in person I would tell her how great her writing was and what A Hard life she had to live especially back in those days when the Psychiatry profession was just starting to change and discover new ways of therapy for there patients. That's at least according to what I read on the internet.

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Posted 2 Years Ago

I know what you must be thinking how can I change the world.
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Added on May 21, 2022
Last Updated on May 21, 2022
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Greenwood, IN

I like to paint and write. I enjoy helping others through my writing.