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A Lesson by Kreative Kana

To write, you need to begin.


To write, you need to begin. You need to get out your computer or notebook, pencil or pen, and begin writing. Write anything. Describe in length, describe very little, add feelings, add none at all. Just write. You will worry about editing later.

But what if I can't think of anything?

Good question. If you can't think of anything:

1. Grab a book or watch a movie. Why? Because books are pieces of writings. And reading other people's writings will give you a sense on how you would like your book to be read.

A. Imagine you are a book. How would you like to be written? How would you like to be read?

B. Read the book or watch the movie. You can then picture what you would like your style of writing to be. If you don't like the style, keep reading. You may like the way the writer puts his dialogue. By that I mean, how he makes his characters speak. Do they all have the same style of speech? (slang, formal, informal) When you read or watch the movie, you can capture any mistakes or parts you didn't like and write them down so that you can be sure not to add scenes like that on your story.

But what do you mean by 'style'?

Style is the way the writer writes. Does he write with more description than dialogue? Does he focus more on the setting? Does he write with formal talking or informal?

What do you call formal and informal?

To me, formal talking is like this:

"Yes, that is correct."


"I have not been reading my book. Have you been reading anything?"

No contractions. That's formal. You want your writing to be as realistic (even in fantasy) as you can. Writing always with no contractions or saying something like this: (the selected dialogue is the one in bold and underlined)

"Is this right?" he asked.

"Yes, that is right." Mom said.

I noticed in parentheses, you mentioned, 'even in fantasy'. How can you be realistic in fantasy, when it is not real, but imaginative?

What I mean by that, is to put life into it. Even if it's not real, your writing would sound believable and more fun to read.

Step 2:
Ask yourself these questions:
What is the goal of my protagonist and antagonist?
Why is he trying to do this?
What does he/she want?
How far is he willing to go to get what he wants/needs?

Step 3:
Create your outline.

But what if outlining doesn't work for me?

That's fine. That's totally fine. Some writers are fine with outlining, some feel it impossible to write if they write an outline before. I think it is better to outline if you are timed (example: If you were writing in NaNoWriMo, I think you would have to create an outline). If you haven't continued your writing for a very long time and decide to go back to it, but have forgotten your plot, you can head back to your outline.

Learn how to create my outline on my lesson, 'How to Create Your Outline' on my course, Studying Kreative Writing With Kana'.


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Added on October 13, 2015
Last Updated on October 13, 2015

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Kreative Kana
Kreative Kana

Hi there! I'm twelve years old, and I love to make new friends! I'm very very short for my age, if you saw me, you'd think I was 8! :p I'm an aspiring writer, and I will be happy to hear your revi..