Regency surnamesA Lesson by QueenBee2This is a list of surnames in Regency eraRegency Last Names Some of these names have aristocratic associations, and many do not. I didn’t separate them out because I worried about getting some of them wrong. I recommend looking into a name a little more before using it for someone fancy. The blog Landed Families of Britain and Ireland may be of some interest to you here. Agar Allen Andrews Arnold Ayles Balfour Baker Bannerman Banfield Barnes Bamber Barnet Barrington Bartlett Barton Bastable Baxter Bolt Bragg Brown Beaumont Beauchamp Birks Blackmore Bolton Bond Booth Bowles Boyle Burk Butler Buxton Brooks Browning Byrd Caddy Campbell Caney Carter Chant Clark Clarke Cluett Colborne Comerford Conolly Cooke Coombs Cooper Crampton Crauford Creassey Crew Cull Curtis Davis Daw Dean Dennis Dodge Dowding Down Drake Drew Dunn Dyke Edge Egerton Elkins Ellis Fagean Fernside Fifett Filliol Finch Fitzgerald Fitzroy Fitzwilliam Fletcher Follett Forbes Fortescue Frampton Fudge Gale Galpin Garvey George Gibbon Gibbs Gillett Gillingham Godwin Grant Grave Green Gregory Grove Gouldsmith Gulliver Guppy Guy Haddington Hancock Hann Hardy Harding Harris Haskett Hayward Hatcher Hawkins Herbert Hervey Hill Hind Hodge Honeyfield Horder Hose Hoskins Hosmer Howe Hughes Humphries Hunt Hunter Huntington Hyatt Jarvis Jennings Johnson Jones Keats Kendall Kingman Knight Lambert Langley Leeson Lewis Lightholder Lilley Linfield Livingston Lock Lockhart Longman Lovell Lush Lymington Major Mead Miash Merchant Miller Montgomery Montagu Moore Morton Mowatt Mowbray Mullens Munro Neal Needs Nicholson Nightingale Norman Notley Nott Oakley Oliver Parsons Pemberton Pembroke Perry Pike Place Plowman Powell Pratt Price Radcliff Rake Ramsbury Rayment Read Reid Reeves Repington Richards Ridlington Ridout Robins Rowe Rowley Rutley Ruteledge Russ Russell Scriven Sculthorpe Sedgewick Selkirk Sempill Sergeant Seton Seymour Sharp Shepherd Sims Sinclair Skeffington Skinner Slade Slyfeel Snowley Soulden Spranklin St. John St. George St. Vincent St. Clair Stanhope Stanton Stapleton Stewart Storey Sullyard Stay Stewart Stickland Stone Sweet Swinton Talbot Tattershall Templeton Terrell Thorne Thrup Townshend Trew Tulk Turner Trowbridge Vaughan Vivian Voss Walford Wallace Ware Warren Warwick Watts Webb Weston Windham White Wilds Wilmington Wilson Wood Worthington Wright Wynn Wycliff Yeatman Young Comments |
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