Word Vomit

Word Vomit

A Lesson by Camille Corbett

A good writer writes EVERYDAY no matter what.


It is always a good practice to try to write at least one thing a day, even if it's only a paragraph.A good exercise to do is just sit down and start typing whatever fills inside your hands. I have created quite a few darling pieces that way.I call this process "Word Vomit". If you have seen the movie "Finding Forrester" you may recognize this as the same practice that Sean Connery told the protagonist of the story to do. For once, what you see in the movies is actually applicable to real life! Who would have thunk it? So everyone, I want you to make a piece of word vomit and if you can, submit it to me! I want to see it! It's probably better than half of your pieces on here! Because, although writing is very technical, it is also very loving. By word vomiting daily we are making love to those glorious scribbles we call words.And everyone knows that love makes everything better! In closing.......... I salute you Mr. Alphabet, and I prostrate myself to Sir Linguistics. 

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Posted 6 Years Ago

I am attempting to write a minimum of 1000 words a day. That's what I was suggested to do. I don't necessarily do it on my thought processes or whatever is PERSONALLY on my mind... but I write. Whether it be a poem or a start to a short story or from a writing prompt. I am trying very hard to do this.

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Posted 7 Years Ago

agatt it!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I will try that. I think I have been doing it for some time in my poems but didn't realize it.
Here's one I just did.

Who am I? I like to think that I am someone important. But looking at the whole world, I am nothing but a small dot. The dot might get bigger in the future, but it will only happen if I start working now. Do I like myself? I like to act selfish to my family for some reason. I don’t know if I like myself. I mean I hate my clumsy nature and my horrible memory. How I look doesn’t really matter to me sometime. I mean sure I may get judged by it, but unless they are my friends or family, I could care less about their opinion. My talents? I am not good at art, drawing, flute and much more stuff. My family and friends say that I am natural at writing. Either they are blind or lying. I sick at describing stuff and spelling and grammar. Nut the main thing is that I love to write I guess. People say I am a deep person. I might be but I am not so sure. How mature I am? Sometimes I am really mature and sometime I am the least mature person you will ever meet.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

I'm going to try that. I might already be doing it, but now I'll pay attention to it.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

A better term, would be Logorrhea, the excessive and often uncontrolled flow of words. It is not a commonly used term, but like words such as "Juxtapose" and "Faustian" it fills a gap in vocabulary which makes it quite useful. I personally don't do what you recommend here, although I am not debating if it can be helpful. Instead, I ponder an idea for a few days, sometimes weeks or months. Once I feel I have explored almost every facet of the idea in my head, I begin to write. Somehow all those nuanced perspectives flow out, in a way I never would be able to do if I had written it immediately.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Do forums and blogs count?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

This is a great idea! I really need to start writing a little something here and there once a day.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I never had before, and decided to try this. I over analyze everything, so bear with me. I hope this isn't to late to submit.

I have a problem with simply typing a whole bit of mess out on the screen without attempting at perfecting it in some sort of manner. I guess I will call spell checking my saving grace for the time being.

Do I hate myself? I tell myself that I do most every day. Do I? I think yes. For one reason or another, I completely drive myself mad each waking moment of every day. What is it about me that causes me to self-destruct? Well, don’t expect an answer to that one. If I had the answer I would be half way through curing my illness by now. I have a problem. At least I know that much is certain. I go through life begging to become someone new. It’s as if by grand design I am flawed, meant to be something that I strive for, but to never quite reach my goal. Ah, what it would be to be different; to not have made the decisions I've made. I wait for the moment that I am due to burst. I almost crave this explosion of self. I need change, yet when it comes I stray away; I hold fast to the ordinary. Ordinary has no definite definition though, does it? It’s a matter of opinion. Ordinary to me is almost certainly not the same ordinary as someone across the world; ordinary is relevant to location, while location and ordinary are relevant to time.

Time is the real issue here. If I had enough time I could change anything. I could fix myself if there were enough time. There isn't though, or at least I’m not sure. I’m bound by a deadline, an ever present hourglass; but this deadline is unknown to me, which is all the more terrifying. We are all subject to die, and I’m okay with death. What I’m not okay with is dying the way that I am, ugly. I’m not only referring to my impaired carcass; but me, my identity, I’M ugly. Some people would say, “Just change!” If only I had thought of that! Well, there we are. I’ll just change. If it were that easy, it would be done, but it’s not. Will I ever be satisfied, or are we all destined to spin in the circle of mediocre self-worth for eternity? It’s likely that the answer is unobtainable. How could I know? Until then I will not settle. I refuse to let myself be terrified into accepting my fate. I will change. I will transform. I will create the me that I dream of. I can only hope that I have enough time to see it happen.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

All of my poems are word vomit all of my writing is to. I always thought that was what writing was? Getting an idea and then just write what comes to you?

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I do it on the bus to school and it's helped a lot. I've began peronisfying objects naturally! I never used to do that!

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Camille Corbett
Camille Corbett

Marietta, GA

I'm a 21 year old Fulbright ETA writing to kill the time and find my sanity. I have been gone for a while. But I have returned, so watch out for some new stories.