Voice Development part 1

Voice Development part 1

A Lesson by Camille Corbett

It's time to get down to business!


In order to understand what we are trying to accomplish in this little segment, let's define what the hell "voice" is!

1.The author's style, the quality that makes his or her writing unique, and which conveys the author's attitude, personality, and character.

2.Voice is the characteristic speech and thought patterns of a first person narrator; a persona. Because voice has so much to do with the reader's experience of a work of literature, it is one of the most important elements of a piece of writing.

Okay for lesson one, I want you to define in your own words, what you think voice is and write a paragraph that you think best exhibits your voice. Leave it as a comment or message it to me. I will tell you whether you are on the right track or not. So for now, chao dearies!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Voice is your stamp into this world, a emblem. It is what differentiates you from everybody else. You can either imitate someones voice, can sound like a bunch of writers meaning sound similar and similar meanings or you can be unique and be yourself. The voice starts in your heart and head. Heart for the passion and head because every head is its own world.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Voice in poetry, is a matter of delivery. Every one has a voice, but if it's not delivered properly it has no way of being heard. To express your voice through poetry defines your preference, and your style. Sometimes, it's an effortless process. For certain people, discovering self, and self preferences is a difficult process. Take me for example, I have a hard time finding how my writing is any different than others. I don't recognize my particular style because in my mind, that's just how I write. When in short that's what it is. It's not what you say and how you say it.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Voice is part of who we are. It is writing about stuff that matters to us and our stories will define us because there will be so much truth in it.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

My voice? I'm shooting for a cross between Hemmingway and Clint Eastwood.I haven't written diddly f**k on this site yet so for all I know my voice is going to come out like a heleum huffing Eunuch.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Things were better before the war started. I knew where things were, what things were, why things were. My life was on a schedule, breakfast at six, work from eight until six, dinner at nine and in bed by eleven. Once the bombs dropped, the order on which my life was based collapsed. All that I considered good and beautiful has collapsed into a hideous monstrosity that is the post-nuclear waste. Now every morning, I look out into the vast emptiness of my condition and say to myself, "Welcome to hell, buddy, population: you. Now get up, shape up and try not to get yourself killed."

Am I on the right track?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

like when i wrote journey to th west (check out my writing) its a extra to lotr but i didn't copy tolkiens style cause i was sure to messit up because its his almost language the words he used like smetime i mess around with words to get the best effect

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Posted 13 Years Ago

We used to know who we were. We puffed out our chests in town for just being who we were and the things we had. My siblings and I held bonds of loyalty as strong as Northern winds blew, "all for one and one for all." When the chains of those loyalties began to rattle, behind was the master snake that rattled there connection. With the strike of the Cobra in one swift swoop, my life would never again be the same as it was one minute prior. Surviving the beating and betrayal, instead of learning the right ways of living, I went under the wing of the Cobra that bore the title father, where I mentored into the ways of living as a Cobra. Not a human being.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Voice is when the reader can easily picture the character and begin to identify with the personality of the writer.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Voice is the personality of the writer. The way a writer expresses him or her self.

All my writings have a piece of me in it. Eathir its a small piece or a tiny fragment. I write all my writings with great though. My voice depends on my life and my life experiences.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Your voice is the voice that you live with in your head. It is your thoughts, ideas, creativity, and mind that makes up your voice.

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Added on January 23, 2010
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Camille Corbett
Camille Corbett

Marietta, GA

I'm a 21 year old Fulbright ETA writing to kill the time and find my sanity. I have been gone for a while. But I have returned, so watch out for some new stories.