Voice Development part 1

Voice Development part 1

A Lesson by Camille Corbett

It's time to get down to business!


In order to understand what we are trying to accomplish in this little segment, let's define what the hell "voice" is!

1.The author's style, the quality that makes his or her writing unique, and which conveys the author's attitude, personality, and character.

2.Voice is the characteristic speech and thought patterns of a first person narrator; a persona. Because voice has so much to do with the reader's experience of a work of literature, it is one of the most important elements of a piece of writing.

Okay for lesson one, I want you to define in your own words, what you think voice is and write a paragraph that you think best exhibits your voice. Leave it as a comment or message it to me. I will tell you whether you are on the right track or not. So for now, chao dearies!

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Posted 6 Years Ago

Your voice is your unique personality portrayed through writing. I am still discovering my voice. I am still learning what genre best suits my writing. I am learning how to write without using clichés. At times, I am still learning how to just write 1000 words a day. Other days, I can write thousands and I feel an inspiration that I didn't know was there. I want people to enjoy my writing but most of all I want to enjoy my writing. I want to write something I can be proud of; that can hopefully one day earn me money.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

The voice is what fuels the thoughts of various characters. The style of the voice is like the cherry on top. The quality of a voice is the base cake, the important foundation of making a character interesting and unique, while the style of the voice, the cherry on top, compliments the voice greatly, enhancing the experience and creating a better overall experience for the reader. The voice has to be developed over time. Copying someone else's style and writing with it, eventually with your own thoughts and way of thinking it will be modified to be your own personal style.

The marsh swamps reek of a putrid scent, while everything, alive or dead, rots and decays. What sort of place is this? Everything is dead, like I'm in the middle of a graveyard. My skin tingles, singalling to me, "Hey, you should get out of here." But I'm not moving. I'm staying here, feet glued to the ground like a child's macaroni project in school.

There is nothing but dead here. I glance at my arms. They have turned a shade of green, and appear to be rotting. So, this is where my story ends, huh? I shed a tear, smiling at myself for being so foolish. I feel my arms melting away as my own legs lose strength and drop to the ground, carrying my tumbling body along with it. I do not regret any decisions I was destined to reach here. This is my conclusion. My outcome. This is where my story ends. And I say to the world goodbye as my own body deteriorates and I lose consciousness rapidly. This is.. the end.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

It's the structure and frame of the story. I think of a set of buildings. It's easy to tell what era each belongs to or even who the architect or interior designer is by their signature mark or fingerprint. Hand me a book without a cover on it and I can easily tell you if it's Stephen King's artwork or James Patterson's. In short it's how the story is set up by structure, character description and voice.

She was carefree and lovely. That was the only true thought that he held towards her. What changed? At age six he was her make believe husband because he was bored. Eleven years old he couldn't stand the sight of her. She was always trying to get into his business and the tattling! What a big mouth. If she was shipped to China, life would've been a dream. Then she turned thirteen and she became understanding. A confidant. There was the casual flare ups of annoyance especially those stupid moments where he couldn't beat her at anything. She was the better hockey player, track runner, fisherman and no surprise the honor roll student. During all this she was changing and he was too maybe just slower. Zoe Aspen was going to be his girlfriend someday and that thought didn't freak him out.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

I think that voice is the unique sound or how someone does something such as in writing. And that it also defines how their mood is and how they say things. Voice is also something that helps distinguish a writers style of writing from others. Also if people where to try to copy other authors who have perfected their voice it wouldn’t be original. I also think that it comes from within and adds something that distinguishes it from others peoples voice. And that is helps bring together as story with the mood, tone, point of view, ect..

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Voice is the framework of a structure. Without it, there is little that can be done. With it, anything is possible. Additionally, an original voice can give life to a new and power work that can intrigue endless minds, leaving people breathless and craving for more. A redundant voice will be rarely noticed. When it is noticed, it will simply be tossed away like a fast food wrapper. There is no right way to produce a good voice other than trying not to. For some, trying to make a good voice in a story means copying others' voices, this doesn't work. It has to flow from the author as easily as the words they write. A good voice doesn't always mean a good story though. It does mean there is the potential for a good story.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

Voice is something that make the style of the author’s writing unique. It is like fingerprints, every author have their own and you can’t steal it. It tells how the author’s style of writing is, how their feelings at the moment are.
My writings all have a part of me sometime in my life. They all come to me randomly. My voice tells imagery, emotions, and feelings. The stories I write is usually is inside the character’s head as they go through their adventure. How they feel about others, themselves, the way they act on the front and how they are in the inside, their sarcasm. My voice tells my personality, my feelings, and my attitude since I put them in my writing. In poetry, my voice tells me to write about pain and suffer that many people go through in everyday life and them trying to get through it.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I guess that voice is a persons person personality reflected through words, as each unique writer gives you a feeling of how they work through their own lives and their own thought patterns, as an example when you read a book you tend to hear a certain voice as you can tell how a person speaks through the way that they wright things

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Posted 11 Years Ago

My "voice" is the way my own individual personality and experiences come through in my writing. I believe you have to use formats and structure throughout stories but your own uniqueness has to shine through and this is where the reader is also drawn in. It also makes it original and authentic.
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Posted 11 Years Ago

To me, "voice" is an expression of the author's whole history, personality, and identity, put upon a blank page. It is like fingerprints and snowflakes; no writer's is the same. You can tell just by reading their words if they are secure or insecure, a feeling or thinking type, if they are lonely or loved, how much life they have really lived, and how comfortable they are in sharing it with the world. A good voice is authentic, brave, unflinching, and uncompromising.

My voice is something I am really just discovering. And as I uncover and honor it, my whole life is changing before my eyes. What has been a life-long struggle of trying to gain acceptance and validation by melding myself into what others' desire and hiding myself, has unexpectedly morphed into an honest expose. My voice has exploded from my shut-down soul, onto the white and black pages, creating a profound and unexpected shift into self-acceptance and peace.

My voice is flowing, and raw. My voice has seen pain; serious depths of pain and intense emotions that few people seem to be able to reach. As you read my writing you can sense that nothing is held back, no matter how undesirable or curious it may be. There is an acceptance of each person's true self and a palpable ache for people to just accept and cherish one another's true selves. It is a voice that believes in good and evil, and in free will within the confines of destiny. It is a voice that feels and sees and smells the wonder and divinity of the world, and wants so badly for everyone else to grasp it too.

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Posted 11 Years Ago

"I'll give you my voice" I moan into your ear, using an extra wallop of Russian accent just because I can.

You look at me as if I were three steps ahead of the "weeoh" truck and its uncomfortable white jacket with the VERY long sleeves.

"Hey!" I give you a glare and begin circling you while doing an unrecognizable strut. I try for a different accent. This time it's too garbled to tell where it came from. "I got 'tude' ya know. My peeps read me 'cuz they luves my vibe!"

"Of course you do," you finally manage. "Excuse me. I think I'm wanted in the next chapter." You rush to click the next title.

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Added on January 23, 2010
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Camille Corbett
Camille Corbett

Marietta, GA

I'm a 21 year old Fulbright ETA writing to kill the time and find my sanity. I have been gone for a while. But I have returned, so watch out for some new stories.