Retelling Rhetoric

Retelling Rhetoric

A Lesson by Camille Corbett

Because you can't ever leave out the politicians.


So, my Master of Writing Contest did not work out as planned for my winner did not answer me back about his prize. So I guess he'll just forever remain a person who never had the pleasure to dictate his style from my lovely cyber platform. What.A. Shame. Oh well, the chickens are out and the panties are on and it's time for us jump into the pool of rhetoric for a while. I shall be starting a series focusing on a new rhetorical device every two weeks.  You will enjoy it. I will enjoy it. We will learn tons together. These are not the common terms I have brought to you before. We will be learning a tad more complex terms that you most definitely have seen and probably have used before, but maybe just didn't now the name to; you better believe we're going to learn how to harness them, and give them a damn name. So roll up your sleeves and put on your pretention monocles, because we're about the milk those moist utters of language! 

 Have a great day!  

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Added on February 19, 2011
Last Updated on April 18, 2011
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Camille Corbett
Camille Corbett

Marietta, GA

I'm a 21 year old Fulbright ETA writing to kill the time and find my sanity. I have been gone for a while. But I have returned, so watch out for some new stories.