A Lesson by Dayami-chan
Hope you've gotten to good grips with WHAT you're going to write about, NOW ONTO THE PLANNING! 8D 
HOW TO WRITE YAOI ~Dayami-chan
OMFGOSH where do I START?! *0* THE IDEA! I don't recommend writing if you haven't got an idea in your head. And by idea I mean: *Pairing - who *Semes/Ukes/Smukes - what *A scenario - everything else As you might have noticed, when I can't think of a scenario or idea to work from, I just do sex with a little hint of a story line but not actually working on it - I call those YAOI HOURs I created What REALLY happened series when I didn't like the ending to Loveless. ANYTHING that makes a good story line, gives you something to work from, and you have an idea your audience'll like it too - go for it!
I've got a pairing - what now? RESEARCH IT! Check deviantART, google, anywhere for fanart, fanfics, character profiles (though if it's an unpopular pairing, you prob won't find any). Anything that'll inspire you.
E.G. With my most recent: Soul Eater: Dress Me Down - It came about because of the suggestion -yes- but there isn't a lot of fanart and fanfics that appeal to me. But then I found a picture of Soul in his black suit and yellow tie and one of Kidd in his sleek black suit and the idea hit me: Suit shopping! Then that small idea needs to be developed. How can suit shopping have anything to do with yaoi? So basically you need to find out how to make PAIRING + IDEA = SEX
I still can't come up with an idea! ;A; Check wikipedia to look at character profiles. You might find a little tiny insignificant piece of information that could be the most helpful thing in the world! E.G. In my Raivis and the kraut series, the idea came about by my stumbling across a fact in a cooking book totally randomly and unintentionally. I thought, "Hey, I didn't know that!" and kept it to myself. THEN I read another fact completely randomly on Wikipedia that said Raivis enjoys reading. So I thought, "But hey..I read that funny sex fact..and Raivis likes to read.. BINGO! Raivis'll read the fact in a book! That little idea sparked from random inspiration lead to a popular 4-fic series that continued to progress with every yaoific. It works!
How to develop my small idea? So, using that brilliant equation above, you need to take that little idea and make it something BIG. NOW the intention is your target audience: your fangirls/boys/tards You need to write something that THEY will enjoy. Especially if it's a request. People will expect you to try your best and give them a yaoific that'll turn them on. It's YAOI - it has to, that's the whole point. How do I take my small idea e.g suit shopping (Soul Eater), valentines day (Naruto), taking a bath (Junjou Romantica) and make it into YAOI? SIMPLE: Just Add Sex. It doesn't even NEED to be sex, they could just be kissing, hugging, touching. Use your descriptive skills and make it seem as though they are having sex or they might as well be ;)
But wait! What should I make them do!? Just write! You'll find out in the heat of the moment! If you start writing and Sir Seme pushes Lil Uke onto the floor and is towering over him, ANYTHING could happen!: *They'll kiss passionately *Sir Seme will give a hand job *Sir Seme will force himself (?) between Lil Uke's legs and grind *Sir Seme will go down on Lil Uke *Sir Seme will crawl over Lil Uke's face and be sucked *Sir Seme and Lil Uke will stare at each other all shoujo-like and do nothing before Lil Uke gets impatient and kisses Sir Seme. OR *After staring, Sir Seme attempts to get up and Lil Uke pulls him back and kisses him. OR *Sir Seme gets up and starts to walk away and Lil Uke runs after him all shoujo-like.
I just made those ideas up in 2 minutes. If this method helps you to figure out an idea and how to progress it, use it! The method of OR shows that yu've thought about the idea and gone deeper into it. It also gives you more to work from. As you can see, all of these things can go together in some way. Watch!:
E.G Reggie stumbled backwards and collapsed onto the floor. A little gasp squeezed past his lips as he looked up, Kevin's face inches away. "N-nn.." Kevin flinched, his buldge grazing lightly over Reggie's thigh. His face flushed with colour and he pulled back quickly, onl to be met with the younger boy's surprisingly strong hold. "What are you--?" "D..Don't go.." The red head whipped his head in the opposite direction, attempting to not get caught in Reggie's deep gaze.
Now Kevin'll give in, look at Lil Uke, be instantly turned on by his Ukey face and slowly lean in for a kiss. The kiss grows passionate, hands wander - heck they could even roll over and swap positions if you want to! That's good! Heat of the moment, heat of the moment!
It doesn't sound natural.. ;w; You're a fantard - go read some YAOI! Go watch some YAOI! Go experiencewrite some YAOI! Practice, practice, practice! The more you write, the more you read, the more you watch, the more natural it'll all come to you. You'll learn how a homosexual couple have sex without actually having seen it in real life. You'll learn where the penis goes, where it feels good, teasing, fetishes, where the penis shouldn't go, and you can altar each of these things -and more!- to fit your Seme and your Uke. I recommend you start writing FAN yaoifics before OC. This way, you'll have more experience writing and already know your stuff. You'll get feedback from people who like the pairing, constructive criticism, favourites, comments -- If you don't get it, ASK for it. If you WANT to know how things work, how yaoi works don't be afraid to ask. BUT if you don't want to ask, READ, SEARCH, WATCH YAOI! You'll learn just from that reference material. Then move onto writing. Keep reading, keep writing, keep watching - you'll definitely learn something (:
My Uke and Seme are boring.. This happens when they're too typical or too alike. If you often write about cute, innocent ukes who fall for strong, cool semes - people will get bored. With yaoifiction (see what I did there?) you can swap the uke and seme around if you don't want them the way people assume.
E.G When I first heard of or experience yaoi, it was SASUNARU. But a little while after, I saw a NARUSASU. Since I thought Sasuke was the Seme, it was a little odd to be as a n00bie fangirl. Experience new pairings, experience new personality types, different preferences, fetishes, kinks and quirks. Liven up your Seme and Uke just like you'd liven up an OC (: Typical: Uke is shy and innocent. Loves smiling. Cries during sex. Submissive. New: Uke is shy when around people he's not comfortable with. Loves smiling. Cries during sex when he feels really good. Loves to cross-dress
^Like that (: The littlest details can totally transform your Seme or Uke.

6 Subscribers
Added on July 5, 2011
Last Updated on July 5, 2011
Dayami-chanLondon, Essex, United Kingdom
I've been writing YAOI / Boy's Love for almost 5 years now and hope to go further with it. I'd like to be published in a magazine, novel, or even assist in writing a boy's love visual novel.
I just..