Use a Person

Use a Person

A Lesson by RidingTheWind

Base a character on a real person


This is the last resort. Simply choose a person, whether they're a celebrity, relative or friend, and describe them exactly. Give them a new name, perhaps change their personality a little, and you have your character. I try to avoid this if I can because if it is too obvious you’re talking about a famous person, it can make it harder for the reader to connect for the story, (if you were talking about a famous supermodel running through a forest, it just wouldn’t work). This problem isn’t that bad if you’re talking about a relative or a friend.

You can also choose places and describe them for your setting. This isn’t a problem at all, but if you’ve set your story in a completely different world, be careful not to mention the names of the places. If you’re setting it in modern times, it shouldn’t be a problem to use the name of the place.

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Added on April 12, 2011
Last Updated on April 12, 2011
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United Kingdom

Hi, I go to college so I pretty much only get to write occasionally in my free time...I don't think I'm a very good writer, and I know I don't include enough detail in my work, so I usually have to go..