Introduction & Help Resources!

Introduction & Help Resources!

A Lesson by Veronica Lynn

Read me please!


Hello fellow members of Writer’s Café,

I am very excited to be teaching you the ropes of creative writing. This course will help you develop many skills that could be used in everyday writing. Together we can write stories, ask for help, and just have fun! If you have any questions for me or just want to chat, please feel free to message me here in Writer’s Café!

If your question is more personal or just want a better explanation and examples, you can contact me in my message area and type in the format for a private session. (This is located at the bottom of the page!)  Once I get your message, I will send you a link to my “virtual classroom” the day before so you can install anything you need.

If you want to have a private session, but just want to chat or get to know me, then just use the same format.


Here is the format for the private session:



Reason for private session:

Date anticipated having private session:

Time for private session: (please remember to include your time zone so I can adjust my schedule. If your time is too early or too late, I would have to re-schedule and tell you what time is best for me!)

  Yup, that’s the format. Simple right? Well, here is an example:

Name:  Gloria Henry

Date: 05/17/12

Reason for private session: I want some help with creative writing and need an explanation to things.

Date anticipated having session: Probably tomorrow: 05/18/12

Time for private session: 7:30pm (Eastern)


Now, Here are most of my hours that I can help you!

Mon-Fri: 8:00 am- 7:30 pm (Central)

Saturday and Sunday: No private sessions but might check mail briefly.  


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Added on May 17, 2012
Last Updated on May 17, 2012

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Veronica Lynn
Veronica Lynn


If you don't know me, I can be shy at times and blush a lot! If you do know me, you know I am a sweet person who loves to write, read, sing, and give advice. (Or so I'm told!) I love music and will b..