ACTION! -Motions for your Character

ACTION! -Motions for your Character

A Lesson by TopHatGirl

Repetitive motions and speech.


Note: The previous lesson has been deleted and revised since the old one was so goddamn awful. This is the new one. Hopefully it's better.

Everyone has their set of quirks. Sometimes it's a force of habit, other times a person has been doing it since they cartwheeled out of the womb. People are complex, and we tend to have a set of motions that we don't even know about.

When characters are talking, they move. In the Magic Treehouse series, the main character pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose so much that the reader wondered if there was even a nose left. In A Series of Unfortunate Events Violet would tie up her hair in a ribbon whenever she started to invent. These quirks make a character seem real, instead of just talking heads. If you find yourself writing a long chunk of dialogue, it's better to break it up with action.

Actions can also reveal a lot about personality. Ever head of 'show, don't tell'? It's writing advice that experienced authors often give. It's a good frame of mind. Instead of saying 'he was angry', show us that he was angry. Which is better?

Tony was sad, so he left.
Tony felt his eyes welling up with tears, so he quickly ducked his head down, ashamed. "I'm just gonna leave, then," he muttered, leaving swiftly so no one could see his red face.

What you can also do is foreshadow Tony's actions beforehand. You can tell us that Tony doesn't like to cry, and then show us later. It's developing his character and creating an arch at the same time.

Repetitive motions are easy to use if you know how to keep it simple. There's also nothing wrong with being cliche: Cheerleaders can pop gum, teens can roll their eyes, and kids can stomp their feet. Consistency will make the reader recognize your character easily.

Revealing traits through actions is the sign of a strong writer! Keep this in mind when you're fleshing out your character.

Happy writing!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

These are great tips, thank you! :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

This is good stuff. I like it. :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Subscribed. :)

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Posted 12 Years Ago


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Good job :) I think you're good at what you do

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You have hit the nail on the head! Great advice!
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Posted 13 Years Ago

Good help.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

This is helpful.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I have glasses, and as soon as I read 'repeatedly bushing your glasses up onto the bridge of your nose' I had to push my glasses up.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

thankyou this actually helped me alot.

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Added on February 3, 2010
Last Updated on May 21, 2013
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[Redacted], NV

Hi, I'm TopHatGirl! If you're here about my character lessons or to get some advice, email me instead of messaging at [email protected]. This is because I don't go on this site as much anym..