From Protagonist to Hero

From Protagonist to Hero

A Lesson by Hingabe

Let's add some personality and admirable qualities to your character.


Why would we read about character whom we do not like?  In reality, I wouldn't.  But sometimes villains can be hated with passion, which makes us like them.  We stick with characters we like, admire, and cheer for; we usually abandon characters that are static, flat, and that we don't care about.  I'm not saying our protagonist can't be flawed, messed up, unhappy, defective, and troubled.  Any situation that can make them prone to danger, drama, suspense, and action. 
But we usually don't like a protagonist that is downbeat, depressed, bitter, and stuck.  Have you ever know someone who couldn't beat off self-pity?  How long can you go reading with that much negativity?  Not much, I'm guessing.  This is why lifting your hero above the circumstances-indeed, above himself-is so important.  How do you do that? It starts in the opening pages.  This is where your readers will look to see if they like the character, and if they can identify with them.  Do we feel sympathy?  Or is tension already created on the first page, leaving our reader wanting to read more.
Quietly evoking that kind of identification with a protagonist is one of the secrets of breakout fiction. How do you hint the heroism of our protagonist in the opening pages of your current manuscript?  What about this character will we find admirable and attractive?  How will you make us care? 

-- Who are your personal Heros?

-- What makes this person a hero or heroine to you?

-- What was the moment in time in which you realized that he/she was your hero/heroine?

-- Assign that quality to your protagonist.  Find a way for he or she actively to show that quality, even in the smallest way, in the first scene. 

-- Prior to the climatic sequence, find six points at which your protagonist can show these qualities.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Thank you for teaching about the character development. Now, I know what to do.
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Added on April 3, 2010
Last Updated on April 3, 2010
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Charlotte, NC

I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I've always found away to excite myself with writing, and it's always been my safe-haven. I love to play lacrosse, and swimming I've always been goo..