We All know itA Lesson by AlyshaEvery writer knows it and every writer gets it; Writer's Block.Every writer everywhere knows what Writer's Block is, and has suffered from it's affects. So if you think your the only one you are sadly mistaken. I have had so many non-writers come up to me and ask me what writer's block is and it's hard to describe, because it's not any one thing, it's many things that keep you from furthering your work. What many people don't realize is that writer's block doesn't just effect writing, it also effects your confidence in being a writer.
I have known several people who get their work to perfection in their eyes and then they just leave it in a folder on their computer. They aren't sure what to do with it because they are afraid nothing will come from putting it into the inbox of an agent. Most people don't see this as writer's block when in truth this feeling is the most essential part of what writer's block is. It's that feeling of worthlessness. That feeling of not being good enough, wether it is to finish writing the book, or to set the book free to the world.
It's not easy to deal with writer's block and there is no real cure for it either (which sucks), but there are several ways to help reduce the occurance
First of all, and this is the hardest one, if you have a friend who is suffering from writer's block, do not, I repeat, do not dicuss it with them. It's going to be hard and your going to feel awful but what most writers don't realize is that this particular disease is HIGHLY contagious. Give them Ideas on how to pull through but don't let them tell you any details.
And second, just stay creative. Stop focusing on your main peice switch to something you've hidden away, or start something new. Staying focused on one thing for too long will make it seem like a job and that's when creativity gets sucked out of a project.
Simple Exercise If you fine yourself suffering from writer's block there are a few simple things that can help. If your trying to start some thing new and you have an idea about what you want to do but can't get it on "paper" step back from the desk and try doing a few push-ups or jumping jacks. This will help increase blood flow to the brain, like a spring board for creativity. Now if your trying to continue on something and get go anywhere with it at them moment, relax, it will be alright. Take some time and switch your brain to something else. Write about your day, start simple first and then add more detail. You may have to do this for a few days,but don't go back to your original project until you are refreshed, like going back to it is new. Comments |
11 Subscribers Added on August 10, 2010 Last Updated on August 10, 2010
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