The 7 Helpful Tips of WritingA Lesson by J. F. CharlestonThis will be good to read1. Write what comes from your Heart and Brain, and then combine for a really good piece. 2. Have friends that will help you (Good to have lots of friends) 3. Have an idea and hold on to it (Perhaps write it down or put it into your phone) 4. Add to your idea 5. Don't be afraid to share your writing if you like it 6. Accept the good advice your friends give 7. Make changes and reread your work (until you are satisfied with it)
*Note that your "Writing will always be a draft. There is always more to be done to make it better."~ Heather Maria. Comments
0 Subscribers Added on August 14, 2012 Last Updated on September 13, 2014
AuthorJ. F. CharlestonTXAbout"Write from the brain and heart. Join them to create one great piece of writing." J.F. Charleston. |