detail detail detail!!!!

detail detail detail!!!!

A Lesson by joanofbooke

add as much detail as you can but sometimes there can be beauty in siomplicity


When you write it is important to add a lot of detail, but at the same time you have to create balance.I know it may be confusing. What i mean is that detail is important, but always remember there is beauty in the simplicity of words;} And make it your own you are unique and special therefore your work should be treasured as just that.







                            JOAN OF BOOKE

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I am someone who really hates writing detail in stories but I understand the importance of painting a picture for the reading to visualize what I am trying to convey. I am very slowly adding descriptive words to my isn't easy but I am forcing myself nevertheless...

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for the's what's hard for me is showing the emotion of my characters without having to describe it - i.e, instead of saying "he's nervous," how do I convey that? That type of thing

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hello Dear,
My name is miss grace ,i will also like to be your frend ok,and i want you to contact me through my email addre?ss([email protected]) so i can send you my picture and for more details about me ok, for you to know whom i am.I am waiting for your mail to my email address OK grace

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Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm obsessed about role playing warrior cats, but I want to become better.

Is this any good?:

The frigid wind of the storm pierced through her rough golden coat as the young cat struggled to find her footing. After a few failed attempts she managed wander up against an old oak. Eyes still stubbornly shut Victory cowered behind the tree grateful for the shelter from the wind. Icy thorns stuck to her pelt like deadly daggers as she shook desperate to get them off before any more get entangled too.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i've been fiddling with this little thing. I don't know if i have too much detail in it...

Braylin's delicate sobs went unheard as she curled into a ball on her bed. She softly wiped the tears away with the back of her hand, but they kept descending down her cheeks. She closed her stinging eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
The next morning, Braylin awoke, opening her dry, itchy eyes. She attempted to get up, but her shaky legs failed to balance.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

My stories always lack detail. I have to work on this
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Added on May 11, 2010
Last Updated on May 11, 2010
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sacramento, CA

gender: female, age:seventeen, i love to write and read its very hard for me to relate to others and to talk about my emotions so i use writing to tell people about how i feel. i try to put myself i..