"Earthrise" by J. K. Beach

"Earthrise" by J. K. Beach

A Lesson by C. Rose

A powerful piece that compares three great figures of nature.


The Winner of the July "Promote Me!" contest is J. K. Beach's "Earthrise"

"I have seen the sun rise

From crags and waves in shadowed cloaks.

Celestial monarch, all power and size,

Blazing across the gentian sky by rote,

Lavishing on living earth both warmth and light.

Today he smiles and dotes upon her globe

But he may cast next an incalescent stare,

Or shyly turn and hide abaft clouded skirts.

And I have seen the earth rise

In seldom seen celluloid clothes

And have held her impassioned face in mind

Seen from the dust of our moon disrobed.

And I have done homage and given tithes

To the mother whose bosom holds our lives

When and while we make this ride

Around the stars so bright and cold.

And I have seen the moon rise

Waxing and waning, her face to the son,

She hangs there just to pass on light,

So soft and strange and feminine,

To a world that does forget each night

To thank her for the work she’s done,

As she quietly sets herself aside

And gives way again to the gaudy sun."

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Added on November 10, 2014
Last Updated on November 10, 2014

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C. Rose
C. Rose

