brianna vega : Writing

poem dec 2008 never thought id go this deep

poem dec 2008 never thought id go this deep

A Poem by brianna vega

I inhaleBurning fibers, tiny hairs and magic from my lungsChemicals sweep through my brainIgniting childhood imaginations.And I sit hereWatching the m..
ollld poem from dec 2008

ollld poem from dec 2008

A Poem by brianna vega

when everything feels special.and creativity fills my brain.and the magics at my fingertips.and the world transforms at my will.theres to much beauty ..


A Story by brianna vega

throwing pebbles off this roof your somewhere in the background drinking againheavy eyes can we sleep tonight i cant move on with your slurred lullab..
bouts of schizophrenia you never really existed.

bouts of schizophrenia you never really existed.

A Poem by brianna vega

i opened pandoras box saw something not meant to be seen only to please another now life will move on as always "one more sacred lover that i shot..
only cowards run and ive been running for awhile now.

only cowards run and ive been running for awhile n..

A Poem by brianna vega

haLt. It fills my spirtim hungry for attention for excitement something more perhapswas this the way eve felt before she bit into the apple im angry ..


A Poem by brianna vega

i can hear the crickets chirping out sidei smoked too much today dreamt too much slept too much mind hazy thoughts cloudedslowly spinning down down do..


A Poem by brianna vega

in out in out her heart was racing pumping violently in her chesthands shaking tears streaming down her faceshe felt ridiculous she did..
desert girl

desert girl

A Poem by brianna vega

the heat over takes me as the suns rays pours over my body extracting my energy like a greedy lover i lay here motionlessdefenseless willingthe cold ..
college coffee & 19th century literature

college coffee & 19th century literature

A Poem by brianna vega

this heat is making me lazy questions questionslets move on to the next step ask your self is it worth itto lay here in the shadepondering offering th..
...........fook i hate being a girl

...........fook i hate being a girl

A Poem by brianna vega

i heard your voice on the radio todayput on an old cd the songs were stuck in my mind then i heard you start to singi could almost feel you there sitt..