About MeWhen I was in university, one of my professors insisted that, classroom or at home, all poetry MUST be read ALOUD. I have followed that over the years and found that it greatly increases the enjoyment of a poem, and helps immensely when refining my own work. Give it try before you post your next one ;)
I am a Canadian woman. I am happily married*, an INTJ, a cat afficiendo. I love to travel, cook, garden, read, write and people-watch. I listen to other people when they talk - I like to learn what they think and believe and why. I make eye contact and smile at friends and strangers alike. No doubt people consider that odd. I am okay with that. I believe myself to be open-minded and objective. I am technologically savvy, but traditional in many things. I believe in kindness, in marriage, in preparing real food from real ingredients, in growing as much of my own food as possible, and buying locally produced food as much as possible. I respect the elderly, animals, the environment and other drivers. I welcome constructive criticism on my work and I will give you honest (but diplomatic) feedback on yours as well. *Ecstatically happily married if the truth be known, but I don't want to gloat. Ha. Okay I do, just a bit - it took a long time and a divorce to get here. Prose: Poetry: |