Coral Vega

Coral Vega


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About Me

My name is Coral Vega, and I have been writing since I was very young. My specialty is imagery poetry, but I also write short stories and am currently working on a fantasy novel. A native Floridian at heart, you'll find me barefoot 95% of the time. The 5% of my life when I'm not barefoot, I'm either in class or working. I'm majoring in marine biology and juggle school and married life...quite effectively so far!

I realize that I seem to have a knack for writing stories that aren't exactly the happiest of subjects or situations. This isn't because I don't have a good life, (or because I'm "emo" as I've been accused!) but because I feel I can express myself more comfortably with a heavier emotion. I've also learned that a good story doesn't necessarily require a "happily ever after". I'm really a very cheerful, positive person! I swear! :)



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing 'How to Sell Crap', Coral.
"can you imagine the price Elvis's crap would really fetch on Ebay?" lol.
I hope Mrs Mick Jagger, Mrs Bruce Springsteen Mrs Paul McCartney, David Furnish etc don't think of the same idea and start saving it up for when their men are gone.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing 'Penny's Penguin', Coral.
Yes, it is an allegory, but it's about life in general - and man's inhumanity to penguins.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing 'Lovesick Blues', Coral, I'm glad you liked it.



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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for reading 'The Greatest Author', Coral, I'm glad you liked it.
I've just added 'The Dolphin' and 'Yours and Ours' to my list, I'll review them later this evening.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks (again) for reviewing 'Paddy O'Flaherty', Coral. Adams and Pratchett... that's some compiment. Cheers.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing 'Getting Blocked', Coral.
I bought a new slang dictionary, and I used every single word for drunk/inebriated in that single poem (mostly American). I think it's quite clever, if I say so myself.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Coral!

I miss my coast so much-you are fortunate to have that gorgeous water so accessible. Thank you very much for your new friendship.

I am off to read more of your work, and would appreciate so much any feed-back on my "Greta" series. My poetry tends to read more like a Hallmark card, it just seeps out that way. Lyric

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for reading 'If I Tell You That I Love You', Coral, I'm glad you liked it.
That's a great bio, by the way. I wish I lived in Florida...

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for reading 'Revenge', Coral, I'm glad you liked it.
