About Me
My name is Coral Vega, and I have been writing since I was very young. My specialty is imagery poetry, but I also write short stories and am currently working on a fantasy novel. A native Floridian at heart, you'll find me barefoot 95% of the time. The 5% of my life when I'm not barefoot, I'm either in class or working. I'm majoring in marine biology and juggle school and married life...quite effectively so far!
I realize that I seem to have a knack for writing stories that aren't exactly the happiest of subjects or situations. This isn't because I don't have a good life, (or because I'm "emo" as I've been accused!) but because I feel I can express myself more comfortably with a heavier emotion. I've also learned that a good story doesn't necessarily require a "happily ever after". I'm really a very cheerful, positive person! I swear! :)