The Pad and The Pen  May 1, 2007 - June 1, 2007

Reading and Deliberating


So things are pretty basic with this contest. You must write a short story containing at least 3,000 words and at the most 7,000 words. You must write the story around a pen and a piece of paper. That is your topic. The story can be any genre as long as the focus is on the pen and paper. If the story only mentions the topic but isn't focused on it, then the story will be rejected. Those are the rules. Plain and simple.

The stories will be judge by a panel of judges, from writers cafe as well from a few trustworthy people I know. A total of five people will judge your work, myself included, and make a decision thus forth. Each author is limited to two works being submitted.

The prize for the winner will recieve a 25$ cash prize through the mail with in thirties days from when the winner has been chosen. The second place winner will also recieve a 10$ cash prize through the mail.


$25.00, 10.00 cash prize for second place


Brilliant Brilliant
Amazing Amazing


Eriqe Mangum
Eriqe Mangum
La Center, WA


Created Apr 24, 2007

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  • Only The Revolutionist Members can Submit
  • Only Stories can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 2 Pieces of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 5/1/2007 - 6/1/2007
  • Winners will be decided by the Moderator


Eriqe Mangum is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact Eriqe Mangum if you have any further questions.