The Imitation Game  August 22, 2024 - September 25, 2024

Now Accepting Submissions


The Imitation Game, formulated by Alan Turing, is supposedly a litmus test for "Subjectivity" - whether or not the test-taker is able to have thoughts of its own. Pitting Man against Machine, the world has witnessed over the years the steady dissolution of this dividing line, most strikingly so now with the formation of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT.

Furthermore, there is a steady influx of AI-mediated plagiarism in sundry fields ranging from Science to Poetry. How then does Poetry respond to its own dissolution as the foremost domain of creative thought? Is Poetry but a random recombination of bits of words and phrases collected from old records, scrolled through in a matter of moments by the most powerful AI models?

It is time we play the Imitation Game, this time at the altar of Poetry. Post your original poems on this advent of Artificial Intelligence, and what it means for human creativity. Have fun!


Arthur C. Clarke Arthur C. Clarke
Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov
Robert A. Heinlein Robert A. Heinlein


Swagato Saha
Swagato Saha
Kolkata, India


Created Aug 21, 2024

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  • Any Member can Submit
  • Only Poetry can be Submitted
  • All Genres of Writing can be Submitted
  • Each Contestant May Submit 5 Pieces of Writing
  • Writing may be submitted 8/22/2024 - 9/25/2024
  • Winners will be decided by the Moderator


Swagato Saha is solely responsible for the content of this contest, including all promised prizes. Take any promises of large monetary awards with a grain of salt. Contact Swagato Saha if you have any further questions.