MY IDOL I ADORE August 7, 2008 - August 13, 2008
Contest Completed
Every ones' Idol -
The Bold and The Brave
An Idol many adore - \"THE VOICE\"
My Idol I love - Flood Waters Rising
Honourable mention-My Idol - James Dean, Rock on...
Honourable mention-My Idol - My Angel
An Idol many adore - \"THE VOICE\"
My Idol I love - Flood Waters Rising
Honourable mention-My Idol - James Dean, Rock on...
Honourable mention-My Idol - My Angel
DetailsEvery one has some one in their life to look up to. A strong influence, a great example, a leader and a teacher perhaps. May be he or she your teacher, hero, mother, brother, a friend..
Write about such a person you have had or still have in your life. Any type of writing welcome PrizesA tribute to the Idol you adore
Moderatorpalsofia, BulgariaStats20 Contestants
44 Submissions 1062 Views Created Aug 7, 2008 |