Life has taught me! "poems"  March 14, 2011 - March 24, 2011

Contest Completed


1st - The Distant Shore
2nd - LIFE's RING
3rd - [writing deleted]
4th - Breathless
5th - Cherokee Mountain
6th - Loneliness vs. Love
7th - Birth
8th - The Journey
9th - Living Hell
10th - Unliveable


The title of this contest says it all. As life goes on, we face difficulties and go through struggles.. we get broken, torn, betrayed, cheated on.. On the other hand, we learn how to let go, forgive, live, and stand for ourselves! ... so either ways just show me your best poem that tells the biggest lesson life has taught you. It could be sad, happy or funny.. I don't really care as long as it's deep and meaningful.

Show me what you got!


White Ink
White Ink
Over the Rainbow


38 Contestants
38 Submissions
Created Mar 14, 2011