Let's Make A Book!  December 1, 2010 - December 25, 2010

Contest Completed


You made it! - What Is Going On Today?
You made it! - The Honey Bee
You made it! - The Three Billy Goats Bully
You made it! - Naughty Ninny ☃ ☀
You made it! - [writing deleted]
You made it! - [writing deleted]
You made it! - [writing deleted]
You made it! - The Eighth Dwarf


I'm looking for poems or very short stories for inclusion in a book. This book will be made by me, and put up on a site called BLURB for anyone to purchase. (Have a look at my sample books to see what they look like and what they will typically cost: http://www.blurb.com/my/book/detail/1243129). So here are the general guidelines:

- Each submission should be relatively short (about 1 page)
- Poems or short stories accepted
- MUST be children's themed
- The best 10 or so will be selected for inclusion in the book
- I will then create the book layout as per the example above and make it available for people to view and, if they wish, purchase online.
- To be clear, I will not be sending anyone a book, or buying anyone a book. I will instead create the book and send the authors a link to where they can buy it for themselves, should they so wish.
- You can submit up to 3 pieces, but I will limit the book to having only one poem/story for any given author.
- Note that I will NOT be making any money out of this. You can configure BLURB to add a commission for the book creator, and I have done so for my personal books, but I will NOT be doing so for this book. This is just a bit of fun, not a money making exercise.
- By the same token, nobody else will get any money from the book either. We will all just have the privilege of seeing our work in print. Wouldn't that be cool?!
- All entrants must be prepared to allow their work be put into the book. I'm not a lawyer, but in general everyone retains copywrite of their own work, etc. All I ask is that you agree to allow my put it into the compilation. If you don't want me to, then don't enter!
- I retain the right to fix small errors in any work submitted (spelling/grammar mistakes, etc.) But if I do make changes, I'll consult with the author before committing these changes to the book.

If anyone needs any more information, or wants further clarification, just send me a message and I'll reply. I'm sure there are probably lots of things that I forgot to discuss.

I hope that this is all clear. Now get writing and give me your best work.


(P.S.: If your work does not make the cut, I'm really sorry. But if this contest is popular enough, I'll run more like it in the future and try to select different authors so that everyone gets a chance.)


$0.00, Inclusion in a real life book!


Dublin, Ireland


19 Contestants
47 Submissions
Created Dec 1, 2010