Bloodshed March 10, 2008 - April 10, 2008
Contest Completed
Bloodiest Writer -
DaRk CRimson BLooD
2nd bloodiest writer - [writing deleted]
3rd bloodiest writer - [writing deleted]
4th bloodiest writer - BLooD MooN
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
2nd bloodiest writer - [writing deleted]
3rd bloodiest writer - [writing deleted]
4th bloodiest writer - BLooD MooN
Honorable Mention - [writing deleted]
DetailsWrite a story about a war and a lot of bloody descriptions :) it can be set anywhere, modern times, medieval times, but there has to be a lot of blood. And for the poem writers, write about a lot of blood like how someone died bloody-like and stuff :) i just want to release your inner darkness (not trying to be emo here if thats what you think :P )
PrizesFeatured on the group and a really cool story or poem that you can keep for a long time :)
ModeratorAaronPhobiaMesquite, TXStats6 Contestants
12 Submissions 586 Views Created Mar 10, 2008 |